GematriaEffect.news is a place dedicated to spreading truth, knowledge and awareness to the masses, about Gematria, the ancient practice of coding numbers into words, a Kabalistic practice, and how it is used by The Cabal, every single day, to contrive propaganda, rig elections, rig sports, and even murder, all for the purpose of steering the public, and not for the betterment, worldwide.
Gematria: Kabalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on those of their constituent letters.
Welcome truth seeker!
The goal of this site is to shed light on who The Cabal is and help bring their tactics & tyranny to an end, while also helping people free themselves from the matrix of misinformation that is the mainstream media, which ultimately serves as a massive energy theft from the public.
As dark as the subject matter can be, you will find that it is also very enlightening and empowering, and even at times fun! You will also find, the knowledge is as simple as A, B, C is 1, 2, 3.
Find out information that is indisputable and way beyond "coincidence" in my books! You will gain a new skill set and knowledge that will empower you for the rest of your life.
Get my books & merchandise at my site Or, click on the pictures below.
It's all about the numbers, wake up!
Bill Gates great new film Solving For Zero & his book How To Avoid A Climate Disaster + 666 & Carbon
We are living in "rituals". Listen to the numbers from the researcher that has written books and dedicated his life to bringing this truth to the people!
Join our community and help us work toward solutions to make this world the better place we want for ourselves, and more importantly, our children. That place is freetofindtruth.com. Thank you! Zachary Hubbard
What CNN, CDC & Tony Fauci forgot to tell you about the "pandemic" (the best video on the internet)